My name is Lara. I am a Registered Massage Therapist.
What is Regent Massage?
4 years ago, when I moved to Sudbury from Toronto, I said on my website that Regent Massage is a brand new health venue in the South End of Sudbury. Today I can say that both me and my business have "established roots" here. I am still in the South End, though now my practice is a home-based one...
If you don’t know me yet ☺ and are unfamiliar with my techniques…
My style is… “it is different” (probably one of the most frequent comments from my clients). Partly, because I am not practising traditional Swedish massage.
My techniques are very dynamic and function-oriented; I am focusing a lot on the fascial connections and restrictions. In general, I don’t support the idea that
our body is a bundle of muscles that, like spare parts in cars, can be fixed or replaced individually. My approach to the human body is always holistic. Sometimes
it is very scientific (my medical university background and years of medical service forces me to analyze the problem from an anatomical point of view; probably
will never be able to get rid of it ☺ ). Sometimes my approach is very intuitive. My craniosacral training taught me that quite often it is not about the technique,
it is about your intention, about your ability to stay focused during the treatment, about your desire to speak the same language as your body does.
I don't like the separations between different modalities: physiotherapy, chiro practice, osteopathy, massage, and so on...
I prefer a body work term. In my own practice, I am using a lot of techniques that are considered to be physio or osteopathic ones.
I know that our body is alive and constantly changing system. It is never the same. For me the treatment process is a constant
dialog with your body – sending requests, asking questions and listening for the response. It is also about how to respect and
respond to your needs and wishes. Treatments are never the same; even if it looks like it is on the surface. Everybody and every
body is different. Massage is more than kneading, stretching or holding. Being in a position to help people is a privilege and a
joy. It is always exciting to be trusted by people in helping them achieve their goals of health & wellness. I love seeing people
free themselves from pain and feel good in and about their bodies. I adore working with my hands. I find happiness in helping others
to heal. It makes me feel good when my treatment is helpful.
Massage therapy is a very personal form of healing. It is important to find a Massage Therapist that is right for you. Not the best one, but the best for you.
I look forward to serving you! Hope to see you soon!